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Keynote Speakers

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for Regular/Special Tracks

Please note that the plagiarism found above the limit defined by IEEE will be rejected at any stage.

1. Preparation of Camera Ready Manuscript

  • First of all register for the conference (registration link)
  • Send the scan copy of registration detail including completed registration form and payment slip in advance to cict2024@iiita.ac.in.
  • Download the copyright form and send filled electronic copy with registration detail.
  • In accordance with the IEEE policy, plagiarism in any form, at any level, is unacceptable. Therefore, the conference reserves the right to reject the final manuscript which is found to have high degree of plagiarism after registration without refund.

2. Validate Your Camera Ready Manuscript Using IEEE PDFeXpress

  • Incorporate the comments received from the experts
  • Strictly follow the IEEE style (i.e. double column and single space) Link
  • Ensure that the length of final manuscript in IEEE format should not exceed 6 pages.
  • Please make sure that the paper should have the similarity score within the permissible limit set by the IEEE.
  • Your paper should not include any header or footer information (e.g., page numbers) in the top/bottom margins. If your paper has been prepared using Microsoft Word, please ensure that you have used the most current version, which will help reduce word-to-pdf conversion issues such as embedded fonts, bookmarks, etc.
  • Include the appropriate copyright clearance code notice on the bottom of the first page of your paper:

a) For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright.

b) For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-3153-9/24/$31.00 ©2024 Crown

c) For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-3153-9/24/$31.00 ©2024 European Union

d) For all other papers the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-3153-9/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE

LATEX users belonging to the category in (d) can directly add the following lines just before \begin(document) for the copyright notice to show up:

\IEEEoverridecommandlockouts \IEEEpubid{\makebox[\columnwidth]{979-8-3315-3153-9/24/\$31.00~\copyright~2024~IEEE \hfill} \hspace{\columnsep}\makebox[\columnwidth]{ }}

MSWord users can use: Insert Text box, insert the appropriate copyright notice in the textbox, and place the box (without border) at the bottom left on the first page.

3. Submission of Camera Ready Manuscripts and IEEE eCopyright Form to CICT2024

  • Before creating your PDF, proofread your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.
  • Any changes made to a PDF after IEEE PDF eXpress conversion or PDF Checking may invalidate Xplore compatibility. This includes headers, page numbers, copyright notice, watermarks, etc. If any of these elements are desired, they should be added to the document before a PDF is created.

     Select the New Users

     Enter the following:
       64037X for the Conference ID,
       your email address
       a password

     Continue to enter information as prompted. An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.

Previous users of PDF eXpress need to follow the above steps, but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.


In order to have your paper published in the conference proceedings and in the IEEE Xplore, you need to transfer a copyright form for each paper that you have accepted at the conference.

Following the recent policies of the IEEE concerning the transfer of ownership rights of intellectual property to IEEE, we have enabled the submission of copyright forms using the electronic copyright form (eCF) tool of the IEEE. Follow the instructions below to submit your copyright form using the eCF. Make sure that you mention a complete list of authors’ names in the copyright form. 

Click on Submit IEEE Copyright Form button and follow the instructions, then finally submit the copyright form of your paper.

Click on hyperlink that will redirect to the IEEE Copyright Web Site. No need to upload any file.

Synopsis Submission Guidelines for Symposiums

Four symposiums namely PhD Symposium, MTech Symposium, Start Up Symposium and Patent Symposium will be organized in CICT2024.

The Candidates may submit 10 page synopsis in the relevant symposium in the given IEEE format. The short listed submissions will be invited for presentation and the best few in each category shall be awarded with some token prize money and certificate of merit. However, neither the copyright shall be collected nor will it be published on ieeeXplore. Submission page URL : Microsoft CMT


  • If the date of successful final defense for PhD Thesis OR Patent published status falls during 1st Oct 2023 to 30th Sept 2024 then only the submissions shall be considered.
  • Start ups registered during last 3 years may be considered.
  • MTech thesis/ BTech Project successfully defended in Jan-Jun 2024 semester may be considered.