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Call for Proposal for Adding New

Call for Special Tracks

Individual Experts or a Team affiliated to  institutes/universities/companies of India/abroad are invited to conduct Special Track on Latest Research topics in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) or its innovative applications. One page summary may be submitted via email to cict2024@iiita.ac.in

Call for Exhibition

Individual Experts or a Team affiliated to  institutes/universities/companies of India/abroad are invited to conduct Exhibition on Latest Research topics in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) or its innovative applications. One page summary may be submitted via email to cict2024@iiita.ac.in

Call for Tutorial

Individual Experts or a Team affiliated to  institutes/universities/companies of India/abroad are invited to conduct Tutorial on Latest Research topics in the field of Information Communication Technology (ICT) or its innovative applications. One page summary may be submitted via email to cict2024@iiita.ac.in